Esports Betting Guide | How To Bet On Gaming In 2023

Esports Betting Guide | How To Bet On Gaming

This Esports betting guide aims to provide you with valuable insights into the world of competitive gaming, helping you understand the intricacies of the sport and the key factors that influence match outcomes. Additionally, you’ll find reliable resources for accessing player/team profiles, tournament data, and expert analyses. Armed with this knowledge, you’ll be prepped for success in Esports betting.

About Esports Betting

Esports betting refers to betting on the outcome of competitive video gaming events.

Esports betting is available on a wide range of popular video games, including first-person shooters (FPS), real-time strategy (RTS), multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA), and sports games.

Popular esports betting markets include match winner, map winner, tournament winner, and first blood (first team to eliminate an opponent). Esports betting odds are no different to traditional sports betting odds and are calculated based on the perceived likelihood of each outcome.

Why Bet On Esports?

  • Live Events

    Many Esports tournaments feature live events and matches that are broadcast online, providing fans with an immersive experience and opportunities to place bets in real-time.

  • Game Knowledge

    Esports fans often have extensive knowledge of the games and players, which they can leverage to inform their betting decisions.

  • Social Aspect

    Esports betting provides a social aspect, allowing fans to engage in friendly competition with friends and other fans, and to share their expertise and opinions on players and matches.

  • Excitement

    Esports betting adds an extra layer of excitement to games and tournaments, allowing fans to place wagers while they enjoy displays of immense skill and strategy.

Popular Esports Competitions

Some of the most popular esports competitions are:

  • League of Legends World Championship (LoL Worlds)
  • The International Dota 2 Championship
  • Fortnite World Cup
  • Overwatch League (OWL) Grand Finals
  • Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Major Championships (CS:GO Majors)
  • Hearthstone World Championship
  • Call of Duty League Championship
  • PUBG Global Championship
  • Rainbow Six Siege Pro League Finals
  • StarCraft II World Championship Series (WCS).

Considerations For Esports Betting

Esports features various high profile leagues, tournaments, and events taking place throughout the year. Professional games are highly competitive and can be just as intense and skilled as traditional sports.

The video games themselves have intricate rules, strategies, and mechanics that requires a combination of skill, dedication, concentration, training, and cutting-edge technology to master.


Technology plays a significant role in the lives and careers of professional esports players, impacting them in several ways, including:

  • Gaming Hardware: The availability and quality of gaming hardware can impact the competitiveness of players, with high-performance equipment providing an advantage in fast-paced, demanding games.
  • Training Tools: The use of training tools, such as performance tracking software and virtual reality simulations, can help players improve their skills and techniques, leading to better performance in matches.
  • Online Platforms: Online platforms, such as social media and streaming sites, provide professional players with a way to connect with fans, build their personal brand, and showcase their skills to a wider audience.
  • Communication Technology: The use of communication technology, such as voice chat and video conferencing, allows players to collaborate and strategize with their teams more effectively, leading to improved performance in matches.
  • Data Analysis/AI: The use of data analysis tools can provide valuable insights into player performance and team dynamics, helping players to identify areas for improvement and enhance their skills.
  • Streaming Technology: The use of streaming technology can provide players with a platform to showcase their skills, build their personal brand, and earn income through fan support and sponsorships.

Technology will be the driving force behind the continued growth and development of the esports industry as a whole.

Game Updates

Game updates can have a significant impact on esports players, both positively and negatively, affecting their performance and success in several ways, including:

  • Game Mechanics: Game updates can change the mechanics of the game, affecting how players play, move, and interact with each other. This can require players to adjust their strategies, techniques, and gameplay styles.
  • Meta-game: Game updates can also impact the “meta-game,” the overall strategy and style of play that is prevalent in the professional scene. This can lead to shifts in the dominance of different characters, weapons, or playstyles, affecting the competitiveness of certain players.
  • Skill Level: Game updates can alter the skill level required to play the game effectively, requiring players to improve their skills and adapt to new challenges.
  • Practice: Game updates can disrupt the practice routines of players, requiring them to spend more time adjusting to new mechanics and meta-game changes.
  • Team Dynamics: Game updates can also impact the dynamics of professional esports teams, requiring players to work together to develop new strategies and adapt to changes in the game.
  • Tournaments: Game updates can have a significant impact on the outcome of tournaments, affecting the competitiveness of teams and players and leading to unexpected results.

Overall, game updates can bring new challenges and opportunities for professional esports players, requiring them to be flexible and adaptable in order to stay competitive and succeed in the industry.


Form, or current level of performance, is an important factor that can impact the success of professional esports players and teams. A player’s form can have several effects, including:

  • Competition: Form affects a player’s ability to perform at their best during matches and tournaments, with good form leading to better results and increased competitiveness.
  • Confidence: A player’s form can also impact their confidence and mental state, with good form leading to greater self-assurance and better decision-making, and poor form leading to lower confidence and potential mistakes.
  • Fan Interest: The form of popular players can impact fan interest and engagement, with good form leading to increased support and viewership, and poor form leading to reduced interest and attention.
  • Team Dynamics: Form can also impact team dynamics, with good form leading to greater cohesion and success, and poor form leading to tension and potentially reduced performance.
  • Roster Changes: Poor form from a player can lead to them being replaced by a coach or manager, potentially impacting the future success of the team.

Overall, form is a critical factor in shaping the success of professional esports players and teams, and it is important for players to maintain good form in order to perform at their best and achieve success in the industry.

Team Changes

Team changes, such as additions, departures, or roster shuffles, can have a significant impact on professional esports. The following are some of the ways that team changes can impact the industry:

  • Competition: Team changes can affect the competitiveness of teams, with roster changes potentially leading to improved or reduced performance, depending on the new players and their abilities.
  • Fan Engagement: Fans may have strong connections to specific players and teams, and team changes can impact their engagement and interest in a particular game or tournament.
  • Team Dynamics: Team changes can impact the dynamics and chemistry of a team, potentially leading to improved or reduced performance and success.
  • Sponsorships: Changes in a team’s roster can impact their appeal to sponsors and other commercial partners, potentially leading to increased or reduced sponsorship opportunities.
  • Player Performance: Team changes can impact the performance of individual players, either positively by providing a new and supportive environment, or negatively by disrupting their comfort and routine.
  • Relevance: Team changes can impact the relevance of a game or tournament, with high-profile roster changes attracting more attention and interest from fans and media.

Game Popularity

The popularity of a particular game can have a significant impact on professional esports players. The following are some ways that game popularity can shape the careers of players:

  • Opportunities: Popular games are likely to have more frequent and larger tournaments, with greater prize pools and more opportunities for players to compete and earn money.
  • Fan Base: Popular games are likely to have larger and more dedicated fan bases, leading to greater recognition and exposure for players.
  • Sponsorships: Popular games are more likely to attract the attention of sponsors, advertisers, and commercial partners, leading to greater investment and support for players.
  • Career Longevity: Popular games are more likely to have a longer lifespan, providing players with more opportunities to compete and earn money over a longer period of time.
  • Competition: Popular games are likely to attract more players, leading to increased competition and making it more difficult for players to establish themselves as top competitors.
  • Skill Development: Popular games can provide players with opportunities to develop their skills, both through competition and through training and practice.


Sponsorship can have a significant impact on the esports industry. The following are some ways that sponsorship can shape the industry:

  • Financial Support: Sponsorships provide financial support for players, teams, tournaments, and other elements of the esports industry, helping to sustain and grow the industry.
  • Visibility & Exposure: Sponsorships can increase the visibility and exposure of players, teams, and the industry as a whole, helping to attract more fans and commercial partners.
  • Professionalism & Credibility: Sponsorships can help to increase the professionalism and credibility of the esports industry, making it more attractive to potential fans, investors, and commercial partners.
  • Product Development & Innovation: Sponsors can invest in product development and innovation in the esports industry, leading to improved equipment, software, and other technologies.
  • Player Support: Sponsorships can provide support and resources for players, helping them to train and improve their skills, and compete at a high level.
  • Industry Growth: Sponsorships can drive the growth and development of the wider esports industry, as well as shaping its future direction and priorities.

Esports Betting Markets

Some popular esports betting markets include:

  • Winner: This is a straightforward bet on which team or player will win a specific match or tournament.
  • Handicap/Spread Betting: This is a bet on the margin of victory in a match, with odds set by the bookmaker.
  • Outright Betting: This is a bet on which team or player will win a specific tournament or championship.
  • Map Winner: This is a bet on which team will win a specific map in a best-of-three or best-of-five match.
  • Total Maps: This is a bet on the total number of maps played in a match.
  • Correct Map Score: This is a bet on the exact score of a specific map in a match.
  • First Blood: This is a bet on which team will get the first kill in a match.
  • First to X kills: This is a bet on which team will reach a certain number of kills first in a match.

These are some of the most popular esports betting markets, but there are many others, depending on the specific game and tournament being played. It is important to understand the rules and regulations of each market and to do research before placing a bet.

Best Sites For Esports Stats

I recommend the following sites for Esports statistics:

  1. EsCharts
  4. EsportsEarnings
  5. Games Of Legends
  6. DOTA Buff

To learn more about these sites, check out: Best Esports Statistics Websites.

Best Esports Tipsters

The following table shows the top Esports tipsters. You can learn more about how these tipsters have been rated from my article: Best Esports Tipsters.

RankStar RatingTipsterProofed ByEstablishedTipsAverage OddsAll-time ProfitAll-time ROI(+/-) Units3-Month Profit3-Month ROI(+/-) UnitsEst. Weekly TipsUsual Publishing TimesTrial PeriodMonthly Cost
13.6SVB TipsTipstrrJanuary 20181742.93£870.7520.00%+35£181.5033.00%+718am-12pm£1 for 30 days£29

Esports FAQ

What is esports?

Esports refers to competitive video games played by professional players, either individually or as teams, that often have large fan followings and tournaments with substantial prizes.

How does one become an esports player?

To become an esports player, one must be skilled at a particular game and have a strong understanding of its mechanics, strategies, and meta. Training, practice, and participation in local tournaments can help players to improve and increase their chances of being noticed by professional teams.

Are esports considered a sport?

Esports are not recognised as a traditional sport by all organisations, but they are considered to be a form of competitive gaming and are gaining recognition and acceptance as a legitimate form of competitive entertainment.

What is the biggest esports tournament?

The biggest esports tournament is the League of Legends World Championship, which has a prize pool of millions of dollars and attracts millions of viewers from around the world.

What are some challenges faced by esports players?

Esports players face challenges such as long hours of training and practice, intense competition, and dealing with the pressure of performing in high-stakes tournaments. Additionally, there are also physical challenges related to prolonged periods of gaming, such as repetitive stress injuries.

Toby @ Punter2Pro
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